Wednesday, October 4, 2017

3 Unexpected Discoveries Through Dance

Welcome Back!
A lot has happened since my last post.  A contact improv class, choreography workshop, student choreography auditions, self-care class, and general choreographing time.

If you get lost in any of that, basically just a lot of fun and dancing.

So I'm going to take a different approach to this post and do a ___ reasons why type of post.
(If you don't get the reference, go watch 10 Things I Hate About You.)

But first, I want you to watch this video. It is something our dance director asked the student choreographers to watch/listen to and come back ready to discuss.  So if you are seeking life inspiration, or if you just have 22 minutes of spare time, listen to it!

Overall I gained insight in how to view others no matter what I am doing.  Everyone has their own, completely valid, life experience and that is an awesome thing we all need to recognize and respect.  


Now back to your regularly scheduled program.  

1. I love contact improv, but it is not for everyone.  
A couple of weeks ago, we did a contact improv class.  For those of you who do not know what that is, check out the video below.
Also if you are super interested in learning more, here is a very informative page on what contact improv is and its history.   

I'll just summarize that it is a form of post-modern dance that involves a conversation between bodies and involves being in contact with another (or more) person.  You basically read each other's bodies and improvise movement based on what you and the other person's bodies do together.  Kinda hippy-dippy, I will admit, but so cool if you are alright with touch and throwing your inhibitions aside.  

So, yes, I love this form of dance.  For me, it is an amazing way to push the limits of what traditional dance teaches.  I have only done a handful of workshops in this genre, but it is always different, and always informative of my body and my partners'. 

Some people... cough, cough... one of my very best dance friends... are not as comfortable with touching and bodies.  Which is fine.  If that is you, I support you, but I also want to challenge you.  Which is exactly what I plan to do in my choreographed piece this semester!

2. Choreography is fun, but also hard work. 
One thing that has evolved in the past few weeks is that I am not only choreographing one dance but two for the fall dance demo night.  I am very excited about this, but realize it is not going to be an easy feat.  

I am choreographing a piece about partnering to a "Fast Car" cover by Ryan Montbleau.  
And now I am also doing the Freshman piece to "River" by Bishop Briggs.

I have started the freshman piece, and it is going well so far.  The partnering dance will be more of an evolution tailored to the dancers themselves and what abilities we can discover through contact improv.  I am honestly very excited about these two pieces, so I hope lots of people come out to see our demo night Thursday, November 9th, Dillard Theater. 

Not only am I excited for my pieces, but also the other choreographers.  After student piece auditions I have really realized how each and everyone one of us is different and talented.  Some songs are so outside of my realm of ability to choreograph, but I have no doubt everyone will create amazing dances.  

3. Rediscovery is a beautiful thing.
Whether it be dance, sports, writing, singing, whatever, getting a fresh look at something you have done for many years can be awesome.  It is challenging too, don't get me wrong; especially if relearning is also involved.  I have been reluctant at times, but I am seeing that this new challenge is growing me as a dancer and making me love dance even more.  

So I challenge you, pick one thing you love.  Research its history.  Research a leader in that thing.  Se how someone else does that in a way that is different from how you do it.  The world is a beautiful place.  
(sorry not sorry)

Now for a brief lesson on self-care:

Grab a tennis ball.

Find a sore spot on your shoulder muscles.

Lay on your back with the ball on that spot and slowly move your arm and move your body around so that it really attacks that sore spot.  (Do that as needed for your shoulder muscles.)

Now stand up and find the edge of a wall.  

Once again put the ball on a sore spot on the top of your shoulder, lean over (head first), put the ball against the wall.

Move slowly and roll the ball around your muscle/sore spot.   

Video for reference and more (

We did this last class and my shoulders have not felt this loose in years. 

Thanks for reading!

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