Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Wonder Where I'll Be Sore Tomorrow...

If you’ve ever danced, or worked out, or exerted any physical effort ever, this thought may have crossed your mind.  For me, it has become a constant question running through my head after a dance practice.  

Whether it be bruised knees, bruised shoulders, sore butt, sore calves, sore random muscles I didn’t know existed, these past few weeks have been painful.  It has actually become customary that dance team members share our tales of aches and pains through our snapchat group message the day after each practice.  You don’t get much better bonding than that.  

If you’re just tuning in, basically what you have missed is a lot of deep breathing, rolling on knees, rethinking every body movement, being propped up on our own shoulders, and my general lack of interest in ballet.  Well, guess what we did yesterday… ballet class.  Oh yeah.  My fave.  

Once again, yes, I do realize that ballet is arguably the most important foundational discipline of any dancer.  So I can’t complain too much.  It helps me focus on extending, building muscles, working on balance, core strength, and all that fundamentals a healthy dancer needs.  If you need further convincing, check out this post.

So to give you a sneak peek into how ballet class went I’ll let you know what is sore… my calves.  Crazy enough that is it! For now at least.  But let me tell you, we WORE OUT our legs in ballet class.  I also do not think I have ever sweated that much in the first 30 minutes of a ballet class ever.

So here is where I tell you about what we did.  But while you read it just imagine pointing your toes till you feel like your foot will fall off, focusing on breathing while also extending up, while also pushing through the floor, while also relaxing your face, while also engaging your arms, and whatever else the dance director tells you to focus on for that specific exercise.  Phew.  Overwhelmed yet? Cuz I sure was.  

So here we go (I have included links and photos for reference for the non-dancers)
First, we releve.

Second, we plie.

Then tendu.

Then rond de jambe.

Then fondu.
Then grand battements.

I probably got that order wrong, but you get the picture. Lots of legwork.  Pointing. Extending. Etc.

I think one of the biggest things I have been learning about dance is just how much there is to think about while dancing.  As dancers, we take it for granted that our bodies just know all of this stuff.  However, I have been finding that when you start to question how you do one thing, you question how you do everything.  So those small movements that I have been so comfortable with for 14+ years of dance are becoming jumbled, confused, unsure in my mind.  

I thought I was getting better not regressing!
I know how to develope… why is it so hard now?
How can I not be satisfied with a simple plie?

Now I’m thinking.  I am pushing.  I’m maturing.  

Part of me hates it.  It is comfortable to just keep doing what I have been.  I am in my last year of dancing at LC, why do I have to start growing as a dancer now?

Part of me loves it. I am finally growing as a dancer.  I’m not in that same place I was when I stopped dancing after freshman year of high school.  I have always wanted to learn and grow in different forms of dance.  This new director is so different than any dance teacher I have ever had.  

Okay, most of me loves it.  But, it's hard.  It hurts.  
That’s what it takes after all.  

After the basics, we worked on turns.  But not the turns really, the preparation for the turns.  ...don’t wind up… fully plie… pull up… connect…

Then fouettes. Oh My Goodness y’all, I did some fouettes! These are a challenge for me, always have been. (I also did not know how to spell it until just now.)

So I guess it is paying off.  Breaking things down.  Rethinking the fundamentals.  Focusing. Breathing.  

Now, my challenge to you, if you have made it this far.  Think about something you love to do. Think about when you learned it.  Think about one part of it that you always wish you could do better.  Then go after it! Research, ask, practice; whatever it takes! You’ll be glad you did!

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